Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation

Evaluate an individual’s attention, memory, executive function and decision-making to understand the impact of cognitive dysfunction on work and daily life with a Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation at Ommi Health.

What is a Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation (CogFCE)

A CogFCE is a comprehensive multi-day assessment that evaluates an individual’s cognitive abilities related to work and daily tasks, including memory, attention, problem-solving and decision-making.

It determines their capacity to perform job-related cognitive functions effectively, safely and durably. It is an extension of the standard FCE, with the goal of determining how cognitive dysfunction impacts work and daily functioning.

It differs from a standard FCE which mostly addresses the physical capacity and limitations. The CogFCE addresses cognitive and/or behavioural challenges, faced by individuals with neurological conditions, traumatic brain injury or mental health conditions.

The functional, cognitive, psycho-emotional and behavioural barriers to returning to work faced by this group will be addressed. It complements the FCE that addresses the physical barriers.

Neuropsychological evaluations are often confused with cognitive functional capacity evaluations. A neuropsychological evaluation can provide a detailed description of what deficits might exist and what part of the brain is damaged. An occupational therapist looks at how this can affect a person’s function in the real world.

Who Needs a Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation and its Benefits?

A CogFCE is essential for individuals experiencing cognitive challenges that affect their daily functioning, educational performance, work capacity or quality of life.

This evaluation can be used to assist with a client’s return-to-work plan and goals, as it combines a cognitive analysis with a focus on how the client is able to perform functionally and vocationally.

The CogFCE is used in medical legal cases and can be a very helpful tool to assess an individual’s occupational performance and cognitive disabilities, in relation to their ability to perform their pre-accident job.

This comprehensive and holistic assessment evaluates an individual’s cognitive abilities and how these abilities impact their functional capacity in daily life and work environments. It is particularly beneficial for those who have experienced brain injuries, neurological disorders, psychiatric conditions or cognitive decline.

Why Choose Ommi Health for Your Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation?

The Occupational Therapists at Ommi Health have extensive experience assessing and treating cognitive dysfunction and have taken on additional Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation training.

Both real world cognitive testing and standardized cognitive testing are used to comprehensively evaluate cognitive dysfunction. Occupational therapists at Ommi Health used performance-based testing as part of their evaluation process.

Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluations can be combined with a Cost of Future Care Assessment.

Contact us

Our team is experienced with preparing detailed reports and providing consultation that legal teams, employers and insurance companies require for their cases. Contact us now to enquire.